Monroe Wyatt Pattillo, Jr. - On Price Rounding

For years they have rounded to the nearest minute, just like shippers who can measure to the nearest ounce, but price to the nearest pound.

If you think that you are getting the best deal from those companies that round the price of your phone call to the nearest six seconds, instead of one minute, think again. They could be doing better.

They can actually measure to less than six seconds, even well less than a single second. So why don't they actually cut you a break and price all the way down to one second, or less?

When a business can make revenue and not have to expend profit to provide that service, like charging you for call connect time after you have completed the call, they are going to do it.

So don't let them do it to you. Get smarter. Understand the technology enough to know their true accuracy. Demand that your FCC and Public Service Commission price the service to that accuracy.

Monroe Wyatt Pattillo, Jr. (MWP)
Site installed: 09 Jan 97 by MWP
Site updated: Sunday, 12-Jun-2005 09:40:16 EDT by MWP