Monroe Wyatt Pattillo, Jr. - On Price

They are out to get your money at minimal expenditure on their part, that's why they are in business.

Why is it separately priced if you always have to pay it?

Service contracts are designed to maximize profit margin.

An average comsumer paying list price is designed to offset payment of discounted price by a small number of knowledgeable consumers.

They count on you not going to the effort to mail in the coupon and get the rebate.

Don't think that buying from the most popular and biggest business will get you the best bang for the buck. Buying from the best supplier with the least price is the best way to get ahead.

The best solution is not always the cheapest.

Monroe Wyatt Pattillo, Jr. (MWP)
Site installed: 09 Jan 97 by MWP
Site updated: Sunday, 12-Jun-2005 09:40:16 EDT by MWP