I once again find myself stating my opinion which is as usual not shared by the masses.
There are good people who believe in their heart of hearts that they are doing the right things for all the right reasons for the betterment of us all. As usual I see deeper. Some may view this as consipiracy, I just view it as an opinion which should be investigated so that those of good conscious can validate their decisions are based upon valid assumptions and insure that they are not being duped by hidden controllers.
In case I seem to be leaving my conslusion in soft focus, it is deliberate. I have a lot of experience in dealing with people who feel justified in opinions which they have had fed to them by others. Bravado and momentum are easy to get behind and very difficult to get out from behind. I have found that the basis of directions guided by decisions when exposed are rarely substantiated. In other words, you would probably change your decisions if you knew why someone provided you the opinion which allowed you to form the opinion which allowed you to make your decision. Its time to think again.
Just for an honest moment ask yourself why so few people are so determined to remove the current President from office. My focus is not on the supporters of positive morality, but on those who unwaveringly vie for impeachment without the need for investigating why the evidence has been so conviently placed before supporters of positive morality.
In other words, why has it become so simple to impeach the President.
I don't think its because this time he slipped up or that this time we actually got him.
I look much farther below the surface. I don't have the contacts to prove out all the I suspect which is the basis for any good conspiracy. It is left to those of you out there in good concious to wonder for yourselves, find your own answers, make your own independent conclusions.
You may not have been aware that presidents for some number of terms of both political parties have been creating executive orders designed to allow the President to execute martial laws which contradict the consitution of the united states. These are only to be used in the case of millennium based uprisings for which martial law would be justified.
However the degree to which things must fall apart in order to justify the activation of these executive orders is not specifically stated. In other words, the activation decision is left up to the President in office at the time that the millennium rollover occurs.
Another fact which may have passed your shallow thinking is that the current President will be in office during the millennium rollover. That also means that a democratic or liberal mind set will be in the executive order activation decision making seat when the millennium rollover occurs. Even if the next presidental election is won by the republican party they will not take office until mid-January in the year 2000, well after the millennium rollover occurs and well after an executive order suspending the transition to the new duly elected political office holders.
I guess this potential fact didn't occur to anyone in the conservative party until well after they lost the 1996 election otherwise they would have tried harder to win, or did they count on Dole winning and is he a member of the conspiracy. I just don't know, but in any event, Bob is I believe out of the picture, at least for now.
How do these ultra conservatives reverse the loss of the 1996 election and put a member of their group in office at the time of the millennium rollover so that they have the say in the activation of the millennium executive orders.
Assasination is not going to work. The democratic Vice-President would be in charge. Besides, once the general populous gets a true understanding of the stakes and the evidence, they would not allow a justified insurrection.
They must find a way to impeach the current President, impeach or assasinate the current Vice-President before he can appoint and congress can approve a new Vice-President, so that the speaker of the house can take over as President in time for the millennium rollover. The current speaker of the house is a member of the conservative party. This would allow a conservative party chosen candidate to hold the office of the President even though that individual was not chosen by the people of the united states.
Anyone wonder why Gingrich resigned as speaker so suddenly with such a lame excuse?
Anyone really know the full background of the new speaker? Who pulls his strings?
Its not the majority of the house and senate that will impeach the current President that bothers me. Its the small number of people that have lined up all the ducks to allow an individual chosen by that small group of people to become the next President in time for the millennium rollover and in time for the activation decision and the follow-on decisions in the case of a millennium uprising.
There are paramilitary factions in this country that believe there will be a millennium uprising and that they will have to save the country.
There are ultraconservative factions in this country that believe they must save this country from the paramilitary factions in the event of a millennium uprising.
The majority of us just want to survive Y2K bugs in computers.
Me, I want to survive Y2K bugs in the political systems.
As I said earlier, I have an opinion, suspicions, and no evidence.
Please, question my opinion, question my suspicions, but equally question the source of the material used to impeach the current President.
My opinion. No one should be allowed to impeach a President because they don't approve of his morality or political views.
My question. Linda was duped. Why would Linda do what she did? Linda was backed by who? Were her backers the original conspirators? Who was behind her lawyer's direction to her client that state and federal wire tapping laws were not binding?
My suspicion. Monica was duped. Her repeated desire for sexual control over influential men is well documented. This was a tool used by Linda.
My indecision. Starr was duped or was he a conspirator? If he was duped, by who? If he is a conspirator, who are his associates?
My suspicion. Newt was about to become a conspirator and the future President and changed his mind. He means well and I believe that he has the people of the united states at heart. This is probably what changed his mind. I feel he has something to say if only they allow him to say it.
Who knows? Maybe I just have my head wedged and this would just make a good novel.
Then again, maybe someone needs to see what George and his sons are up to these days.
Monroe Wyatt Pattillo, Jr. (MWP)
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